DMC Threads & Memory Color Infusions

DMC threads 6 strand, 8.7 yards per skein ($0.74). The thread is listed on the last item of this page. I don't list all the DMC colors. Please put down how many DMC threads that you want to purchase, in the check out "Comment Section", please put down the DMC number and how many skeins you like to purchase. If you have any question, please email me before your purchase.For examples, if you need 5 skeins of DMC threads 810, put "5" in the cart, on the comment section, please write DMC color is 810, 5 skeins.

DMC Color Variations Blue Lagoon Floss Pack
$13.95 $15.00
DMC Color Variations Amazon Floss Pack
$13.95 $15.00
2013 New DMC
$10.50 $12.00